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취미 관심/미술 (취미)

건물의 입체감을 잘 표현하는 방법

by 산에사는꽃사랑 2017. 4. 13.
어떻게 그림자를 이용해서 3차원 입체감을 나타내는가를 알려주는 ..
굉장히 도움이 될듯해서.. 
블로그에 기록함.

The Painting & Drawing Channel is dedicated to the art of learning to paint... with a host of your favourite artists. Today, renowned artist Geoff Kersey sets the scene and explains step-by-step how to simplify a building, without overworking the details. Using an array of colours, an extra large oval wash brush and four round brushes, Geoff shows you how to create a 3-D effect with the use of shadow and how to create texture whilst producing some very interesting results. With a friendly, easy approach he aims to give you the confidence to paint architecture... the results are quite spectacular!

'취미 관심 > 미술 (취미)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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